Saturday, July 3, 2010


What happened?   Is there any kind of answer?  Does there need to be?  Of course there does.  And every person has a different answer.  Why?  Because we are each and every one unique, one of a kind, different experiences, different beliefs, different work, different cultures, different religions, different educations, different vantage points, different point of views, different perspectives, genetics, traumas,  fears,  loves, joys, creativity, happiness, longing, vision.  Longing vision.   We all project our own hologram out of our own holodeck.  And they all overlap but what is even more important, they are all very intimately interconnected.  Very intimately.  So intimately that  the tiniest part fully interfaces with all others on every angle and every angel.  What the hell is that anyway?  Without a vision the people run wild.  The mind runs wild.  The imagination runs wild.  The heart runs wild. 

Then you grab a whip, chair and pistol tame the beast.  I did that.  Jarring bangs of pluming smoke.  Once you have the snarling lion, then what do you do?  Do you imagine what really happened?  Do you imagine what really happened and the screaming?   Do you imagine what really happened and feel the ripping tooth, the terror, frozen in fear the horror as your flesh is torn,  life gushes and fades? 

Grow food.  Tend the garden.  She is the Living Library, you know.

My biophysical friend discovering Life Physics says the entire Universe is infinite energy and intelligence.  So does the Dali Lama and hundreds upon hundreds of thousands.  Intelligence?    Does that mean cognitive intellect?  Yes it does.  What else?  A whole whole lot more.  Consciousness with intention.  What intention?  An intense conspiracy for Life in all its forms.  And the angels proclaim peace on earth and goodwill toward men.  Epigenetics.  Interconnectivity. Mindfulness.  Fullness of mind.  Fullness of travel.  Fullness of creative projection.

Food.  Food is the basic gift of Mother Earth because, while water and air are always there the gift of food yearns for  vector intention.  Coagulation,. Concentration.  Creative Cognition.   Pick up the mattock.

And, if you do these simple things, happiness will be the result, but not just for you.

